Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mickey Mouse, The Hunger Games, and Perception, Part II

Yesterday we were discussing your imaginary friend from London who wanted to bring her children to the United States, but fear was threatening to keep her safely (or so she thought) across the Atlantic.  As promised, here is Part II.

You say to Laura Beth, your close friend of many years, “I certainly understand your concern and appreciate your caution.  Let’s look at your fears with some perspective.  Maybe I can help you get a little context.” 

You don’t have it in you to judge unfairly Laura Beth’s desire to keep her family out of harm’s way.

New York City can be a violent place, you admit to her.  You’ve lived there a long, long time.

First, you present her with some facts.  The vast majority of violence in New York City is attributed to gang activity and turf wars.  Illegal drugs play a huge role in this tempest.  Yes, unfortunately innocent lives are sometimes affected.  But no more than anywhere else, whether large city or small.  The best prevention: research ahead of time and know where NOT to go; never involve yourself in any illegal activity; use your head and your feet – if you have followed the first two hints and still something feels wrong, walk away.  Curiosity – well, sometimes it can be a not so good thing.  Just ask the cat.

Next, talk about distance.  So she may not ever want to visit you in New York City.  Accept that.  But why avoid The Happiest Place on Earth (besides Costco) because of violence somewhere else in the country.  You tell her that Walt Disney World is in Central Florida, and that is a LONG way from NYC.  In fact, it is over a thousand miles – roughly 1,100 miles. 

Further, convey to her that the theme parks, Orlando, and all of Central Florida know very well about her concerns – they also watch the news and read the paper.  They have top notch security at all levels and in all venues.  Don’t be afraid to take a taxi from a hotel, to eat in a restaurant on a main thoroughfare, to shop in a tourist district.  Destinations or activities which desperately rely on tourists’ dollars are extraordinarily pro-active in their security.    Your safety truly is their top priority.

Assure Laura Beth that in a good way, there is always someone watching in Central Florida.  The Floridians’ value the act of NOT paying state income tax – they MUST have tourists.  And it would look pretty bad for them if the state had out of control violence and murder.  In particular, Central Florida is one of THE safest places in the world.  Of course you can’t guarantee her that absolutely nothing bad will ever happen – no one can give that guarantee, even in London – her own hometown.

Let her know that to judge all of the United States, or one small part of it, based on the media’s portrayal of another small part of it, does harm to so many.  You tell Laura Beth that she would be shortchanging herself and her children if she lets fear conquer her desire to show her family the world.  The give her the phone number for Your Favorite Travel Agent.
Tomorrow: Perception!

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