Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day - Honoring Our Heroes By Name

Since we are about to go into the Memorial Day Weekend, I thought I would take a minute and do something we should all do more than once a year - honor those who have protected and are protecting our freedoms. These are soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines that my family knows personally, some very well.  The list is by no means exhaustive, so I am counting on you to add to it.  You may do that either on the comment line below or on my business facebook page.!/pages/Legacy-Family-Travel/170872050930
  • H.D. Strickland, USA, my father-in-law, served with Patton at the Battle of the Bulge
  • George Strickland, USA, Jeff's uncle (who actually commissioned Jeff in 1981)
  • Johnny Strickland, USA, Jeff's uncle
  • Another Strickland Uncle, whose name escapes me at the moment (feel free to add)
  • Frank E. Coggin, USMC, my uncle
  • Patrick Coggin, USN, my uncle
  • Terry Coggin, USA, my cousin
  • Jeff Strickland, USA, my fabulous husband
  • Joe Kier, USA, steadfast servant and mentor
  • MAJ Bill Hecker, friend from West Point;  We also honor Bill's wife, Richelle, and his children in honor of their sacrifice, living life everyday without their husband and dad.
  • William S. Wallace, USA, our squadron commander, 3/2ACR, Amberg, 1986-1988
  • Nathanael Causey, USA, mentor, very close friend, life changer for the Strickland Family
  • Cyndi Holland, USAF, wonderful friend who had to leave her < 1y/o son for Desert Shield/Storm
  • Drew Holland, USAF, also a great friend, Godly man, and loyal American, still protecting us as a Colorado Springs Police Officer
  • Brad Golden, USA, Jesus Follower, true friend to all he meets, Trek Director at MSC along with my sweet friend/his wife, Theresa
  • Kevin Dailey, Active Duty, not sure which branch (somebody correct this, please), Godly leader of young men and women
  • Michael Walsh, USA (?), kid and young adult leader extraodinaire, loves Jesus with all his heart
  • Steve Hailes, USAF, our MSC AWANA co-founder (with his lovely wife, Mimi)
  • Brian Little, USAF, Dr. Fun, faithful and trusted friend to many, lover of Jesus
  • Wayne Strader, USA, currently serves us as a K-9 police officer with Colorado Springs Police Department
  • Bryan Ponce, USN, AWANA Cubby Director at MSC
  • David Chang USA, West Point Graduate-Class of 2002 (was supposed to be our son-in-law but is marrying someone else in July)
  • Drew Hubbard, USA, still active duty, West Point Graduate-Class of 2002, father of very blessed twins
  • Mike Lee, USA, West Point Graduate-Class of 2002,our adopted son
  • Kimmy Hadley, USA, West Point Graduate-Class of 2002, and mother of 3 beautiful daughters
  • Kevin Hadley, USA, West Point Graduate-Class of 2002, married to Kimmy
  • Adam and Amy Clement, USA, still active duty, West Point Graduates-Class of 2002
  • Luke Whitmer, USA, West Point Graduate-Class of 2002, still active duty, SF (I believe)
  • Matt Emerson, USA, West Point Graduate-Class of 2003,now serves in AF Reserves as a fighter pilot
  • Ryan Clay, USA, Ranger, West Point Graduate-Class of 2010, now serving in Afghanistan

All Powerful God, my prayer today is that these military servants and their families know how vital they are to this nation.  Whether they feel honored everyday or not, please bless them with the knowledge that they are doing something that counts.  Never let them become discouraged, always help them to see their importance in Your heart and ours.  Keep Your right hand of blessing on their families, particularly the Hecker family and those who continue life with a hole in their heart. Let their children and subsequent generations know that their family has been touched with a sacred calling.  Keep us mindful of all those who have lost and/or are hurting.  In Jesus name, Amen.

I know there are so many others that I've inadvertently left out.  Please, please add to this list.
And if you see someone's name mentioned here or in somebody else's comments, please alert them that they have been respectfully honored.

Thank you to all of our brave men and women; past, present and future.  I am humbled by your willingness to offer the ultimate sacrifice for my family.


  1. My sister reminded me that I have another cousin who served in the U.S. Military - Paul Snyder. My 2nd cousin Kelly was born in Alaska when they were stationed there. Thank you for your service, Paul!

  2. From Susie Munday:
    Seaman Apprentice Deborah Munday, USNavy (Susie's daughter)
    Cpt RW Glemaker, US Army, Airborne, Special Forces

  3. From Angelia Frame: Virgil Castle, Rick's Grandfather, served with the US Army, WWII

    Also, I can't believe I forgot our Colorado Grandpa Wayne Wagner, served on the USS Cavalier way back when.
