Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Toe in the Blog Water

Being a Baby Boomer has its advantages.
  • I remember Elvis.
  • I got to see a PG rated version of Saturday Night Fever.
  • I have actually bought penny candy for a penny.
  • The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family were Friday night staples at my house BEFORE they were syndicated. (And wasn't that David Cassidy groovy!)
  • My family took a vacation to Walt Disney World just after it opened.

It also has its disadvantages. Here are a few examples:
  • Old lady glasses for reading
  • Reflux
  • Jumping up and down is no longer an activity done without forethought and 'preparation'.

And, the most relevant disadvantage, my brain has a hard time understanding new technology.

Hence this first post on the Legacy Family Travel blog.

Did it go anywhere? Did anybody read it? You tell me!

My hope is that Jeff and I will be able to keep you updated on the latest family-friendly vacation options, the newest cruise ships and itineraries, the most innovative hotels and resorts for family travel, and other travel information that you may find interesting.
For the first real blog, I have a fascinating history lesson for you. But first I need to make sure I know what I'm doing. (at least sort of)

In the famous words of Winnie the Pooh: Hellllooooooo? Anybody home?


  1. I am a follower! Can't wait to see more on your blog!

  2. It's beautiful, Laurie! And eagerly anticipating the "history lesson" ... could you add my sister-in-law to your distro list ... they cruise and travel alot and I think she would enjoy your blog ... email: BTW, it was so much fun flying to ATL with you last month ... I was going to write that on your "wall" but found that yours cannot be written upon :-(
